About Me — Emily Roy

Like the seasons, I am constantly changing

Emily Roy
About Me Stories


Who Am I?

I often ask myself this question with a great deal of wonder and oddly enough — fear. The one thing I can say with the wholeness of my heart is that I don’t fully know who I am. Perhaps I never will.

Fun facts: I’m 31 years old. I’m a mom. I have an identical twin sister. I’m an INFP. I’m also a Pisces. I enjoy pondering existence and the meaning of life. I’ve struggled with depression, anxiety, and ADHD all my life. I’ve got a thing for genuine people. I like sunsets and staring at the sky. I’m a student of life. I read, a lot. Ultimately, I want to change the world and make it a better place in whatever way I can.

I’ve always had an affinity for the deeper aspects of life. I’ve been looking for an answer to what we’ve all been taught since we were little. I am a highly skeptical person and I question everything. I can’t stop asking, why? Life is a never-ending journey of self-discovery.

Something in me has always perceived that there’s more to life than what meets the eye. I learned early on that happiness comes from detaching from the world around you and connecting to the world within.

For a quarter of my life, I was chucked into a system that prepared me to be a cog in a machine, in other words, to conform. I tried hard to fit my round butt into many square holes until I dropped out of college and started carving out my own round hole. Some people might call this impulsive and reckless, I call it not following tradition for tradition’s sake. Living life in alignment with my values isn’t an option, it’s essential.

Why I Write

I write for self-expression. Writing grants me the power to use language as a tool so that I can help myself and others. It enables me to express my thoughts.

I write because I feel compelled to write. I write to understand my emotions. I write to share knowledge. I write to enlighten. I write to add weight to my voice. I write to learn. I write to share my perspectives and experiences.

Writing makes me feel more human. It establishes a link between myself and the rest of the world. It gives me the ability to communicate. It gives my ideas a solid foundation. It gives my reality more depth.

Above all, I write to leave the world a little better than I found it.

